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What is Opher Studios?


Opher Studios is a collaboration of talents brought together to produce effective audio / video solutions that have an impact on todays generation of consumers.  Accelus recognizes the trends of the future, and we can help you incorporate these trends to increase your footprint on todays platforms, including Social Media, YouTube, Web Sites, Podcasts and more.  That's why we have added the next generation of professionals to our team.  All have seen individual success in their own right, but have agreed to collaborate at Accelus to create a dynamic, exciting, and forward thinking division we call "Opher Studios".  The future is now!


"I know talent when I see it. Fortunately for me, I didn't have to go far to find it"

                                                                                                                                         - Thomas A. Opher, Jr 


The Team

Anthony Opher
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Managing Partner / Audio Engineer


Anthony is Managing Partner of Opher Studios and owner of AntMan Studios. He has input on all projects, and nothing goes out of the door without his input. His attention to detail is unwavering. He has a Masters Certificate in Audio Engineering and has recorded or mixed multiple audio projects for many recording artists in the Philadelphia Area.  He is also the producer of several podcasts including: The Aux Cord, and The Glorious Bastards.   

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Jasmine Opher

Jazzi Miotti

Copy Director/ Blogger / Music Content 


Jasmine is the creator behind "Jazzi Miotti" mix.  She is the producer, writer, and music connoisseur behind Miotti Mix.  This Mix of Blogs, Music, and insight delivers quality and relatable content to it's loyal followers.  She believes that despite our differences in age, race, gender and socioeconomic backgrounds, we are all human and share similar experiences in life.  Jasmine is also a producer and contributor for The Aux Cord Podcast.

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Aaron Opher

Music Producer


Aaron Opher is founder of "AO Got The Sauce Productions" and has produced over 100 songs and is an up and coming music producer.  The three (3) time winner of the AC3 producers competition held in Atlanta, GA every year.  Aaron is well respected by his peers and will bring his music production expertise to Opher Studios and become a intrical part of the team. He is also a producer and contributor to The Aux Cord Podcast.


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Dante' Opher
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A/V Creative Director 


Dante' is a seasoned veteran of Audio and Video Production.  He is also founder and owner of FireHouse Studios.  A former music producer, writer and entertainer, Dante' has created numerous music and video productions including "Saturday Morning Science", Several "PECO Electric Company" videos (including lyrics, camera work and editing).  Some of these videos have been used as community service announcements in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas.  His attention to detail helps our clients project their message and brand to prospective customers.   Please visit our Audio/Video page to see and hear some of his work.   His input in our creative process gives us a unique perspective, that benefit our client's objectives.

© 2022 Accelus Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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